Revealed: The Breakthrough "WTQ" Planning Process...

Go From Burned-Out, Overwhelmed & Confused to

Reliable Business Growth* in the Next Quarter With A

Simple 1-Page "WTQ Plan"...

The "WTQ Plan" is a simple yet counter-intuitive strategic plan you'll LOVE that shows you

exactly what to do to powerfully grow your business in the next quarter and beyond.

Enrollment for this brand new half-day workshop is just $99 $49

(Includes workshop + coaching + hands-on implementation support!)

❤️ BY 15,869 STUDENTS SINCE 2012

Do any of these resonate with you?

"I feel stuck in my business. If only I knew what to focus on, I'd do it."

"There are so many ways to promote my products. What's the best for me?"

"I'm overwhelmed by AI and unsure how best to grow my business"

"I don't like social media – do I really need it to grow my business?"

"Is there a way to grow my business that doesn't exhaust me?"

That was me... until I discovered the little-known "Win the Quarter" planning process ("WTQ Plan") – a deceptively simple (yet super powerful) planning process that literally changed everything for me.

I invest just 3 hours each quarter and get a personalized-to-me, customized plan to follow that gives me:

A set of realistic, concrete & achievable quarterly goals that inspire me

A clear daily plan for exactly how I'm going to reach those goals: what I need to sell, and how much

Knowledge of how to find buyers, and how to get them to say "yes"

Deep connection to my inner motivation to provide the fuel I need to make it happen

Armed with each quarter's new "WTQ Plan":

I know exactly what I'm doing every quarter, the procrastination is gone, and I no longer get distracted, derailed or sidetracked by every little thing.

I've banished that nagging feeling of overwhelm and confusion, so I enter each day feeling

happier, more energetic and MUCH more confident that I'm doing the right things – for me and my business.

As a result, my business has grown each and every quarter since I started using it.

The only quarter I forgot? My business actually went backward... 😂

Best of all, the "WTQ Plan" doesn't cost anything. It doesn't depend on the technology, AI or spending countless hours on social media. It's completely unique to you and is guaranteed to work if you follow it.

This coming July 11th, we're holding an ultra-affordable 3-hour LIVE workshop to walk you through how to create your very own WTQ Plan.

Join Us for the "WTQ Plan" Workshop – July 11th, 2024 (1-4pm PT)


1-4pm PT / 4-7pm ET / 9pm-12am UK / 6-9am Sydney (+1 day)

Hurry, space is very limited because each person receives coaching. Secure your spot before we fill up.

Enrollment for this brand new half-day workshop is just $99 $49

(Includes workshop + coaching + hands-on implementation support!)

Proof That Quarterly Planning is More Effective!

Don't take my word for it that quarterly planning works better than annually.

Here are 4 real world studies that clearly show the connection between a quarterly action plan and better business outcomes.

The Harvard Business Review found that organizations that set, review, and update goals quarterly are 3.5 times more likely to be top performers than those managing goals annually.

A 2018 study by Bain & Company found that companies using agile methods, including more frequent planning cycles, were twice as likely to report above-average financial performance than those using traditional methods

A 2019 study published in the Strategic Management Journal found that firms engaging in more frequent strategic reviews and updates tend to see improved financial performance over time.

It's just $49 for this 3-hour laser-targeted Workshop. We'll cover:

1. Your Vision

Most people lack clear vision of where they want their business to head, so they waste time & money on activities that don't get them closer to where they really want to go.

This is the number one reason you may be feeling burned out, overwhelmed, exhausted, confused or just plain "over it".

In this part of the Workshop, you'll identify the top 3 motivations for why you do what you do – and this critical "intel" will drive every single one of your decisions from now onward.

2. Your Revenue Model

Many people set big revenue goals without a clear strategy for achieving them.

With the help of our Master Facilitator, you'll choose a revenue model that will allow you to achieve your goals over the next 3 months with your current experience, audience and reach.

Plus, you'll walk away with a deep understanding of how to actually make it happen, instead of just "hoping & praying" for the outcome you want.

3. Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing can only work if you're targeting the right people, in the right places, at the right time.

And, when it comes to marketing, many people use platforms and techniques without a clear strategy, which guarantees you'll be lost in the noise.

Together, we'll walk you through the 3 essential strategies to open the floodgates:

• where to market

• how to easily attract the right people

• how to turn those people into buyers

IMPORTANT! This Workshop is designed to be highly interactive

As part of your registration fee, you'll receive a beautifully-designed "WTQ Plan" blank template that you'll fill in with our help during the workshop.

We'll work through each section of your plan together, in real time.

If anything's unclear, just ask for clarification.

If you need help, it's available from the session coach, and in the Zoom chat throughout the session.

It's our shared intention that by the end, you have a clear and actionable plan tailored to your unique business that you can put into action right away.

Once you've attended and understand how the WTQ Plan works, you'll be able to create a new one for each new quarter, and keep yourself completely on track.

Plus, be sure to keep each quarter's WTQ Plan so you can look back on them to see how you've progressed and how far you've come!

Join Us for the "WTQ Plan" Workshop – July 11th, 2024 (1-4pm PT)


1-4pm PT / 4-7pm ET / 9pm-12am UK / 6-9am Sydney (+1 day)

Hurry, space is very limited because each person receives coaching. Secure your spot before we fill up.

What They're Saying About Our Training Workshops

"Totally amazing!! Heart is overflowing." - Candas Ifama

"WOW! What a workshop!!! Thank you for crafting an incredible experience! Life will never be the same again!!!" - Ivan Polic

"I don't know about you but after this workshop I'm ready to take over the world!"Janel Bailey Keen

"This was incredible! I have more energy now than when we started." - Mary Denise Mitchell

"As I look out my window at the NYC Harbor on this cold morning, I am struck by how different my life has become in such a short time. Finding Marisa's tribe of talented, thoughtful, aspiring, and beautiful souls like you all has deeply affected me. I am more hopeful, energized, inspired, and filled with a deep sense of love and gratitude to you all." - Tomas Anthony

"Seeing and interacting with the community of entrepreneurs was really grounding for me. I've been so inundated by offers trying to sell me on this program or that tactic. So much noise had me in perpetual distraction mode. But getting clear on next steps, with a solid game plan, realistic expectations, plus community support is something I've never had until this workshop." Daniel Crosser

"Thank you Marisa!!! You make the impossible attainable!" - Juliana Nahas

"I now have a plan and feel that I have found the land of plenty within this program and will build my business on the rocks instead of sinking sand! Love the heart of this community and all it stands for." - Robyn McElevey

"EPIC EVENT! Thank you Marisa and the LYM team for showing up so powerfully and blazing a trail for us!" - Pete Mackintosh

"Beautiful beginning, middle and end. IMPECCABLE....every moment was not only RELEVANT but TIMELY. I'm so so FILLED! Thank you all!" - Michelle Bongiorno

"I feel grounded, expanded, and grateful. Thank you." - Jonas Goldt

"The pieces are falling together for me as an entrepreneur. Today I see the way with the roadmap, and all the support you and your team is sharing and delivering is above any expectations." - Sandra Böcker

"Marisa, you not just created one of the best business programs on the Internet (I’m saying “one of” just not to discredit other great teachers like Brendon for instance). But you are also one of the greatest role models, as totally driven by your vision and mission and 100% authentic & heart centered. That’s even more rare than a great training program." - Sergey Seroukhov

100% Money-Back Guarantee No Questions Asked

Attend the "WTQ Plan" session from start to finish, participate fully, and if you don’t feel like you got a HUGE amount of value from it, let us know within 72 hours of the Workshop ending, and we'll issue you a full money-back guarantee.

There's no crazy hoops to jump through. Just email your request to [email protected] with a copy of your completed Win the Quarter Plan, so we know you gave it a shot!

Simple. Easy. Secure. High-trust.

Why It's Critical You Focus on This Now:

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. 

Whether or not this is actually critical depends 100% on you. 

If you're sick of feeling stuck. Overwhelmed. Confused. Burned out. Exhausted.

... Or anything else that's preventing you from making the progress & impact you want to make...

And if you can't see how that's going to change in the near future...

But you DO want it to change...

... So you can start ENJOYING your business again, and feel happier, more energetic & confident...

... And have the highly profitable, growing business you've always wanted...

Then yes, it's critical you solve this now.

We're looking forward to seeing you on July 11th for our first ever WTQ Plan LIVE session!

I don't know if we'll do this again... it's not something I've shared before at such a low level of investment, but I know from experience mentoring over 1000 students in my yearlong Momentum Business Coaching Program that success happens in 3-month cycles!

And I want you to see first-hand the power of Quarterly Action Cycles -- when you have the right support, structure and plan!

Join Us for the "WTQ Plan" Workshop – July 11th, 2024 (1-4pm PT)


1-4pm PT / 4-7pm ET / 9pm-12am UK / 6-9am Sydney (+1 day)

Hurry, space is very limited because each person receives coaching. Secure your spot before we fill up.


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Kale chips yes plz knausgaard yr, brunch chicharrones semiotics activated charcoal fingerstache disrupt tote bag four loko meh asymmetrical.


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What is the "WTQ Plan"?

The "Win the Quarter Plan" ("WTQ Plan") is a simple, strategic plan that helps you create and focus on realistic, achievable goals to grow your business in the next quarter. 

Will I have my own "WTQ Plan" by the end of the workshop?

Yes, by the end of the workshop, you will have a complete "WTQ Plan" tailored to your business that you can start implementing right away.

How do I get access to the workshop?

When you register, we’ll email you a confirmation email containing a link that will connect to your Zoom session at the date & time of the workshop. Use your primary email address to register so you’ll be certain to see all communications! You’ll receive the confirmation within a few minutes of joining. If it hasn’t shown up, please check your spam folder.

Who is the workshop for?

This workshop is perfect for business owners who feel stuck, overwhelmed or confused about how to grow their business. If you're tired of guessing and want a clear, actionable "WTQ Plan", this workshop is for you. 

Do I need any special tools or software for this workshop?

No special tools or software are required. You just need a way to join the Zoom session (like a computer, tablet or smartphone) and a willingness to follow the "WTQ Plan" you create.

Is the workshop interactive?

Absolutely! The workshop is designed to be highly interactive. We will work through each section of your "WTQ Plan" together in real time, ensuring you have a clear and actionable plan for the next 3 months.

What if I can't make the live workshop?

If you can't make the live session, don't worry. We will provide a recording of the workshop that you can watch at your convenience. That said, we HIGHLY recommend coming out live so you can get our advice and guidance every step of the way.

How long will the workshop last?

The workshop is a 3-hour session. It’s packed with valuable information and actionable steps to ensure you get the most out of your time.

What if I don't get value from the workshop?

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you attend the workshop and don't feel you got a huge amount of value, let us know, and we'll issue a full refund. No questions asked.

Can I ask questions during the workshop?

Yes, there will be opportunities to ask questions during the workshop to ensure you fully understand each part of your "WTQ Plan" and how it relates to you.

What do I need to prepare before the workshop?

Come with an open mind and ready to engage. It would also be helpful to think about your current business challenges and goals, but no specific preparation is required.

Can I share the workshop content with others?

The content is designed for individual use to ensure you get the most personalized experience. We encourage you to invite others to sign up on this page for their own tailored experience.

Is there a limit to how many people can join the workshop?

Yes, to ensure a high-quality, interactive experience, we limit the number of participants. Sign up early to secure your spot.

How often are these workshops held?

This is the first time we've ever held this workshop and we haven't yet decided whether we'll do this again.

Is there ongoing support after the workshop?

Yes, there will be additional paid resources & support offered to you at the workshop to help you implement your "WTQ Plan" effectively. You'll receive information about these resources during the workshop.

Join Us for the "WTQ Plan" Workshop – July 11th, 2024 (1-4pm PT)


1-4pm PT / 4-7pm ET / 9pm-12am UK / 6-9am Sydney (+1 day)

Hurry, space is very limited because each person receives coaching. Secure your spot before we fill up.

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